DCMhotbond zircon
Individuelles Keramikabutment bei einem Keramikimplantat
Oberkiefer Brücke Passive Fit
DCMhotbond fusio
Hybridabutment Implantat
Unterkiefer Infix Krone
DCMhotbond zirconnect
Monolithische Krone
Oberkiefer Langzeitprovisorium
Through the eyes of the costumer
Through the eyes of a dental technician
Through the eyes of medical expert
Anwenderbeispiele zum Download
Anwenderbeispiele DCMhotbond zirconnect
Anwenderbeispiele DCMhotbond zircon
Anwenderbeispiele DCMhotbond fusio
Zertifikate / Qualitätsmanagement DIN EN ISO 13485
- Quintessenz Sonderdruck 2019 DE
- Quintessenz Reprint 2019 ENG
- CASE – DCMhotbond Maryland zirconnect
- CASE – DCMhotbond Abutment fusio
- DCM Fallpräsentationen und Expertenmeinungen Flügelbrücken Inlaybrücken
- Okklusal Modifizierte Zirkonoxidbrücke Implantatprothetische Restauration Eines Komplexen Behandlungsfalls
- DCM Fallpräsentationen Und Expertenmeinungen vollkeramische Gesamtversorgung
- Jaenisch A., Jaenisch U Ein Fall – Drei Varianten
- DCM Info Geklebte Abutments
- Markhoff J, Mick E, Mitrovic A, Pasold J, Wegner K, Bader R: Surface modifications of dental ceramic implants with different glass solder matrices: in vitro analyses with human primary osteoblasts and epithelial cells. Biomed Res Int 2014: 742180, 2014
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- Mick E, Tinschert J, Mitrovic A, Bader R: A Novel Technique for the Connection of Ceramic and Titanium Implant Components Using Glass Solder Bonding. Materials (Basel) 8: 4287-4298, 2015
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- Mick E, Tinschert J, Mitrovic A, Bader R: A Novel Technique for the Connection of Ceramic and Titanium Implant Components Using Glass Solder Bonding. Materials (Basel) 8: 4287-4298, 2015
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- Cantner F, Cacaci C, Mücke T, Randelzhofer P, Hajito J, Breuer F: Clinical Performance Of Tooth – Or Implant – Supported Veneered Zirconia Single Crowns – 42 Month Results. Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, 2019
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- Load Bearing Capacity Of Soldered And Subsequently Veneered 4 Unit Zirconia
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- Bending Strength Of Ceramic Compounds Bonded With Silicate Based Glass Solder
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